The Lolo Report

In This Newsletter:

  • Crown Chakra….Chakra Crown…Chakra Crown…🎶
  • Bonus: Embarrassing photos of me!
Dearest Zen Master:

🎶 I feel for you. I think I love you…🎶

With that 1984 classic by Chaka Khan and Stevie Wonder on harmonica in mind, let’s talk about the Crown Chakra.

Two years ago, my friend Naomi inspired me to start the Facebook meditation support group, called OM. Anyone tuned in to life’s little messages and open to genuine, heartfelt goofiness is welcome. Just CLICK to join. More recently, Naomi asked me about my “inversion” practice, meaning my headstands.

I started doing headstands about four years ago, when our friend, David, sent us an invite to his 70th birthday celebration with an image of him doing a headstand (below).

David who has been doing headstands since he was a kid inspired me. So, for anyone else inspired by David and me, here is a quick tutorial. See you on the flip-side dear friend!

Love, Lolo 

P.S. If you are physically limited, you can close your eyes while sitting in Lotus Pose or lying down and imagine doing headstands. It works.

David at 70, St. Remy, France, 2019

During the Big 70th Birthday event, many friends spoke of David’s lifelong passion for doing headstands. He would do them everywhere!

Lorraine, St. Remy, France, 2019

This is one of my early headstand attempts, the day after David’s epic birthday celebration in St. Remy. I was still shaky, but not bad.

Easiest Ways to Do a Headstand

Starting near a wall is a way to have a little extra confidence. But it’s not the best way. Click for more tips!

Lorraine Two Bunch, March 2020

Here’s me about a year later, doing headstands everywhere!

Benefits of Eagle Pose

Once you master the basics, just move your legs for various poses.

Eagle Pose improves balance, focus, postural awareness. It stretches your shoulders, upper back, and thighs, strengthens core, thighs, legs, and ankles.

Lorraine, St. Remy, France, 2019

This is one of my early headstand attempts, the day after David’s epic birthday celebration in St. Remy. I was still shaky, but not bad.

Antelops Valley Poppies March 2020

Bound-Angle Headstand Pose (Baddha Kona Sirsasana) builds balance, strengthens the core, helps with concentration due to the entire body being in balance.

Bound Angle Shoulderstand

This modified pose is just as effective.

Tripod Headstand Pose Wide Legs

Wide-legged headstand pose (Salamba Sirsasana) stretches the muscles of the entire legs, the adductors (inner thigh muscles), the pectineus muscle (groin muscle), which connects the femur and the pubic bone.

Antelope Valley Poppies March 2020

I think this is my favorite headstand pose. It makes me feel goofy and free!

Death Valey, May 25, 2022

Like David, I’ve embraced doing headstands in strange places.

Try It, You’ll Like It!

Death Valley on my 60th Birthday, May 25, 2022, the strangest place so far!

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